
CTG Brasil and Senai enable national Covid


CTG Brasil and Senai enable national Covid-19 test technology

CTG Brasil, in partnership with the Technology Center of the Chemical and Textile Industry (SENAI CETIQT), made possible the development of national technology to produce Covid-19 tests. The technique will allow rapid diagnostics, in addition to expanding the local test offer, with more distribution autonomy and cost reduction. National production is expected to deliver around 300,000 tests per month, and may reach larger volumes, according to market demand.

The manufacture and commercialization of ELISA tests started in January 2021 by the biotechnology company Advagen Biotech and the first batch of 2 thousand units was donated to Santa Casa de Ourinhos, in the interior of São Paulo. In the case of rapid test production, when started, it will be carried out by Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz, for use in the Unified Health System (SUS) and sale to private chain laboratories.

Innovative technology developed in Brazil

For the development of both kits, the Protein S (spike protein) present on the virus surface was used, which was produced by the Cell Culture Engineering Laboratory at Coppe / UFRJ. This input is used, and the test detects the presence of antibodies generated as a result of previous exposure to the virus, which is covered by protein S.

This protein is considered a key input to produce the kits, but its availability in the national market still depends, to a large extent, on imports, bringing logistical challenges. With the development of the R&D project, Brazil gains maturity and technological independence, reducing production costs and enhancing scientific knowledge.

Partnerships to combat the Covid-19 pandemic have totaled around R$8 Million

Altogether, CTG Brasil and SENAI are investing R$ 8 million in innovation resources to combat the Covid-19 pandemic in the country. In addition to the technology for producing serological tests, the investment finances projects for the use of artificial intelligence for monitoring health and safety conditions of employees at CTG Brasil plants and the development of a disinfection tunnel with innovative technology. In the three projects, the amount contributed by CTG Brasil is part of the financial resources destined to the Research and Technological Development Program of the Electric Energy Sector promoted by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel).