

  • CTGI strictly adheres to laws and regulations, ensuring that regional subsidiaries comply with the principles of classification, recycling, centralized storage, and disposal according to the requirements of the host country, effectively managing all types of waste. Through on-site audits and written surveys, CTGI collaborates with regional subsidiaries to continuously improve disposal processes, effectively reducing the generation of hazardous waste. Furthermore, the CTGI provides professional trainning for employees, enhancing their waste disposal awareness and skills to ensure their safety and minimize environmental pollution.

    For general solid waste, the CTGI adopts centralized management and recycling or entrusts it to professional third parties for disposal. Waste soil and construction debris generated from building activities are orderly transported to disposal sites for layered landfilling, while old materials and parts replaced during the operation, maintenance, and repair of equipment are collected and disposed of regularly.

    Regarding hazardous waste, CTGI has established stringent management systems at the corporate level to standardize the responsibilities for managing hazardous chemicals, clarifying the processes for procurement, transportation, use, storage, and waste disposal. Project companies, in accordance with local regulations, entrust qualified third parties to recycle and dispose of hazardous waste.

    clipbord_1720487261854?Case: Natural grassland management in solar project
    In the solar farms of CTG Europe, we have adoopted an innovative approach to natural grassland management - utilizing sheep grazing to control rangeland vegetation. This eco-friendly practice not only lowers the risk of fire but also reduces the need for herbicides, leading to a decrease in harmful emissions associated with chemical weed control. Besides, more sunlight can reach the solar panels, enhancing energy output efficiency.

    This natural method of grassland management not only contributes to ecological diversity but also brings additional environmental and economic benefits to our solar projects, including a cleaner and more sustainable environment.


    clipbord_1720487261854?Case: Spoil bank management in hydropower project
    The Karot Hydropower Project in Pakistan places a high emphasis on spoil bank management, particularly in the aspect of vegetation restoration. For the stability and safety of the spoil bank, we opt to plant vegetation with robust roots on it. These plants not noly effectively prevent soil erosion and maintain soil stability but also promote the restoration of vegetation and increase green coverage.

    Our goal is to achieve long-term stability and ecological restoration of the spoil bank through these comprehensive measures. The locations of the soil bank are carefully selected to ensure that they can adapt to the specific environmental conditions while possessing strong growth ability and resilience. In this way, the Karot Hydropower Project not noly ensures the structural safety of the spoil bank but also contributes to promoting ecological diversity and environmental sustainability.
