

As CTGI's success starts with our people, including our employees, suppliers, partners and communities, we strives to improve the quality of life of people around the world where we invest. We are mindful of creating effective collaborations with our talents, suppliers and communities and all others for better life, which also reflects the strengths of CTGI - diversity, dedication and global perspectives, focuing on fulfilling CTGI's clean energy strategy, and operating with the highest level of integrity and delivering sustainable values to our stakeholders.

SDGs addressed in this section:


Human Rights

  • CTGI recognizes one of its primary duties to protect, respect and fulfill human rights. We try our utmost to in-line with various international, local legal instruments and standards, as well as industry-specific principles and social practices, including the International Bill of Huamn Rights, the International Labour Organization(ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Buesiness and Human Rights.

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    Human rights incorporated into core value

  • One of CTGI's core values is Respect, and respecting human rights is one of the crucial components of our Respect. We are committed to maintaining a culture that? supports human rights and mitigates the risks of human rights violations. Such commitment has also incorporated into the Company's various policies and regulations, which could make sure that the Company will not be complicit in human rights abuses and guarantee elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor, the effective abolition of child labor, and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

  • Human rights in the workplace

  • CTGI adheres to the equal, nondiscriminatory employment principle, treating employees of different races, skin colors, ethnicities, genders, ages, religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds fairly and properly, and strictly prohibiting and discouraging any form of child or forced labor. It is not allowed to force employees to work or restrict their freedom by means of violence, threat or illegal restriction of personal freedom. Corporal punishment, intimidation, harassment, abuse and any discrimination against employees are prohibited. Through these efforts, we aim to contribute to the high-quality development of the regions with vitality.

  • Human rights in local communities

  • CTGI attaches great attention to human rights of the people living around our offices and projects. Especially, during project development and construction process, CTGI conducts specific due diligence on the impact on communities and develops appropriate remediation plans to reduce the negative impact on communities. We maintain dialogue with community stakeholders in many of our projects, to ensure that they are able to participate in the projects to avoid community human rights violations, and we engage independnet third-party experts for complex situations.